
A priceless talk !

N.B. Les sous-titres en français sont disponibles.
I bow down to the infinite beauty of the actress Thandie Newton, who remarkably express at TED conference a pure advaita talk ! Thank you, thank you, thank you... !
Puisse la Conscience s'éveiller dans le coeur de chaque être. OM SHANTI

A few quotes :
  • “[We assume] that the self is an actual living thing, but it's not. It's a projection which our clever brains create in order to cheat ourselves from the reality of death.”
  • "How many times would my self have to die before I realized it was not real in the first place ?"
  • "I honestly believe the key to my success as an actor and my very progress as a person has been the very lack of self that used to make me feel so anxious and insecure."
  • "We're not living with each other. Our crazy selves are living with each other and perpetuating an epidemic of disconnection. ... Let's not be freaked out by our bountiful nothingness."
  • "Here's a note to self: The cracks have started to show in our constructed world."

Un million de révolutions tranquilles

Source: www.editionslesliensquiliberent.fr

Ce livre au titre révélateur qui vient tout juste de sortir a attiré mon attention, car il donne la voix au mouvement silencieux, mais non moins présent et surtout bien réel, aux centaines de milliers de gens qui proposent des modes de vie alternatifs en réponse au capitalisme extrêmiste, en voie d'appartenir au passé. D'un point de vue dualiste, on pourrait considérer que cet ouvrage est très positif par le fait qu'il valorise des initiatives qui méritent d'être mises en lumière, mais cela sous-entend en même temps que cette révolution, aussi douce soit-elle, impliquera auprès de certains êtres une nécessité d'adaptation qui pourrait bien être fort inconfortable, selon leur attachement aux vieux schémas du passé.

Dans une vision non-dualiste, ces deux extrêmes sont compris et intégrés dans une réalité libérée de tout parti-pris. Et finalement, ces révolutions tranquilles témoignent une fois de plus de l'évolution de la Conscience au niveau planétaire.

Pour en savoir plus sur l'ouvrage de Bénédicte Manier :


Nothing stands in the way...

Source: www.stillnessspeaks.com
"Nothing stands in the way of your liberation and it can happen here and now, but for your being more interested in other things. And you cannot fight with your interests. You must go with them, see through them and watch them reveal themselves as mere errors of judgments and appreciation."

Nisargadatta Maharaj, (I Am That)


You have no idea...

Source: http://mylistofthangs.tumblr.com/

"You've no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You, nothing seemed right. 
 What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the Ocean.
Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. 
It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these.
So I've brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me."

The meaning of Life

Would it be That simple ? "Who" knows ;)

Vertu Versa

Les manifestations de l'Amour sont multiples, 
mais sa source est unique.
La source de l'Amour est unique, 
mais ses manifestations sont multiples.

Virtual choir : un choeur virtuel qui a du coeur...

Ceci est l'une des dernières vidéos d'Erich Whitacre, qui a réussi le pari incroyable de réunir virtuellement 3746 chanteurs provenant de 73 pays pour chanter son oeuvre. Quand la technique est au service de la beauté...

This is one of the last videos from Erich Witacre, who succeeded the incredible bet to virtually gather 3746 singers coming from 73 countries to sing his music. When technology serves beauty...



"The nondualistic approach of understanding that `I AM' is God is far more purifying and superior than the dualistic approach of assuming the difference between God and the `me' and struggling to be one with Him."

"L'approche non-dualiste de comprendre que "JE SUIS" est Dieu, est bien plus purifiant et supérieur que l'approche dualiste de présumer une différence entre Dieu et le 'moi' et de faire l'effort d'être un avec Lui."

(Ramana Maharshi)


"How to" awaken... "Comment" s'éveiller...


Il n'existe pas de "comment" ni d'étapes pour atteindre l'éveil, car comment pourrait-on atteindre ce que l'on est déjà ? Il s'agit plus d'une attitude, d'une ouverture, d'un désir profond, qui amène inéxorablement à la réalisation que "nous" le sommes déjà...

The follwing text was composed by an anonymous author. 
There are no steps to awakening. There is no practical guide. This is not about studying for a test in school, whereby if you do all the right things you will pass. Don’t waste your time with steps and process. And don’t run from the confusion which remains when you do not know how to proceed. It is the abrogation of this confusion by scripture, holy practise, attractive gurus, and practical steps that so often obfuscates the opportunity for true, deep awakening. If you wish to awaken, whatever you believe that to mean, understand once and for all that awakening is not about achieving something. So…
  • Realize that awakening only requires your willingness. There is a story: In ancient Greece an old couple lived in a simple cottage. They were very poor; their lives had been hard. One day the Gods visited them. The old couple, bowed down, shaken, apologizing that they had no food, no wine, nothing to give their guests. Except their willingness to be attentive. This old couple, bent low with age, attentive. The Gods treasured their gift and loved them, blessing them with Their breath and Their joy. 

  • Realise that awakening does not require finding a guru, a teacher. No one can tell you what is best for you, no matter how beautiful your teacher seems. Or how well the words resonate. It is easy to fall in love with the priests. It is easy to fall in love with faith. Forget the intermediary - give your passion to the breath of God within your own quiet heart. What matters is your own awakening, not that of someone else.

  • Realise that awakening is not about finding answers. An answer is something which satisfies previous conditioning and thought. Freedom does not require answers, it soars unhindered. Forget the questions and their pithy answers. Soar. 

  • Realise that you will loose nothing by awakening. You will not lose your lover, your friends, your career, you will not lose your ability to think and reason, you will not lose your ability to do the laundry. You will not lose anything, except your suffering. Drop what you never needed, and be free. 

  • Realise that awakening is not about happiness. Happiness, or sadness for that matter, are products of situation. They are temporary. Clutch only that which is permanent and everlasting, be that which never fades and is eternally new. Nothing else matters - let it all go. 

  • Realise that awakening is not about sudden deep insight or epiphany that ‘burns your ego away in the fire of truth’. This is just psychology, despite its appearance of deep transcendent truth. The epiphanies, the ‘fires of truth’ are just more tricks of the mind. They are what the Buddha called the temptations of angels - much harder to see for what they are than the more obvious temptations of devils. You do not need an epiphany. Satori is by its very nature, transient. Instead, embrace the eternal; and be free. 

  • Realise enlightenment is impossible. If you could be unenlightened one moment, and enlightened the next, then enlightenment would be bound by time, would be given substance by its opposite, would be dual, would be some ‘thing’ to be attained. You do not need to be something more. Forget the need and hope. Awake is what you are, not what you become. 

  • Be willing to notice. Look at the stars, the wind, the romp of birds through the sky. Be willing to be free. Forget the sutras, the wise sayings, the path, the seriousness, the pain, the wars, the relationships, the imagined problems. Forget your objections. Hush for a moment; gently, with arms wide and open, notice the absence of anything but Life. 

  • Be. Realize that only the ego wants to awaken. And be done with it.


Life flows

Love says "I am everything". 
Wisdom says "I am nothing". 
Between the two, my life flows. 
(Nisargadatta Maharaj)