
Qui sommes-nous véritablement ?

En référence au discours de Douglas Harding, et en écho à l'un de mes premiers billets, je profite de publier cette vidéo dans laquelle Richard Lang, disciple de Douglas Harding, présente quelques petits exercices aussi simples que percutants pour découvrir notre vraie nature...
Enjoy it ! :)

Vous n'êtes pas ce à quoi vous ressemblez.

Une introduction à la fameuse "Voie sans tête" (Headless way) de Douglas Harding, par son créateur. Merci à mon ami Ray pour me l'avoir fait découvrir, c'est un régal :)


The Good Darkness

The Good Darkness
By Hakim Sanai
(1044? - 1150?)
English version by Coleman Barks

There is great joy in darkness.
Deepen it.

Blushing embarrassments
in the half-light

but a scorched, blackened, face
can laugh like an Ethiopian,
or a candled moth,
coming closer to God.

Brighter than any moon, Bilal,
Muhammed's Black Friend,
shadowed him on the night journey.

Keep your deepest secret hidden
in the dark beneath daylight's
uncovering and night's spreading veil.

Whatever's given you by those two
is for your desires. They poison,
eventually. Deeper down, where your face
gets erased, where life-water runs silently,

there's a prison with no food and drink,
and no moral instruction, that opens on a garden
where there's only God. No self,
only the creation-word, BE.

You, listening to me, roll up the carpet
of time and space. Step beyond,
into the one word.

In blindness, receive what I say.
Take "There is no good..."
for your wealth and your strength.

Let "There is nothing..." be
a love-wisdom in your wine.

Poem's explanations by Ivan M. Granger.